Hickok Model 215 Semiconductor Analyzer

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Hickok Model 215 Semiconductor Analyzer

Post by mediatechnology »

I found a manual for the Hickok 215 Semiconductor Analyzer. Hickok apparently had a lot of model 215s.

The 1976-era Hickok Model 215 may have been one of the first devices that allowed you to plug in a device, analyze its pin out and provide a good/bad indication. ebay is now full of similar devices using microporocessors: This one uses an octal counter to drive analog switches.

Hickok Model 215 Semiconductor Analyzer Schematic.

Larger schematic for the Hickok Model 215 Semiconductor Analyzer:
https://proaudiodesignforum.com/images/ ... ematic.jpg (rotated for printing)

Hickok 215 Semiconductor Analyzer Manual: https://proaudiodesignforum.com/images/ ... Manual.pdf

The devices are straight forward metal gate CMOS: 4001, 4016, 4022. The op amp is a 4558.

The "1/2/3" LEDs show which terminal is the control terminal (e.g. base, gate or UJT emitter.)
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Re: Hickok Model 215 Semiconductor Analyzer

Post by mediatechnology »

Added the full manual to the original post.
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