The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2024 "Vaccine" Injury, Depopulation With mRNA and Nanobots Everywhere

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NYC Covid Czar Admits He “Forced” Vaccinations on the Public by Making Their Lives “Uncomfortable”

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NYC Covid Czar Who Held Secret Drug-Fueled Orgies During Pandemic Admits He “Forced” Vaccinations on the Public by Making Their Lives “Uncomfortable” ... cret-drug/
New York City’s Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma was caught revealing shocking details about how he ignored the mandates he pushed on citizens, like no indoor dining, during NYC’s brutal COVID lockdowns.

Dr. Varma was the senior advisor for public health under then-NYC Mayor DeBlasio.

He admitted he held secret drug-fueled sex parties during the pandemic and New Yorkers would have been “pissed” if they found out because he was in charge of the city’s Covid response.

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it,” he told the female reporter. “I was running the entire COVID response for the city. We rented a hotel—we all took like, you know, Molly/Ecstacy. 8 to 10 of us were in a room. Like just being naked with friends…” he explained.

“I’m gonna make it really fu*king hard to be unvaccinated,” he said. “I actually was the one who convinced the Mayor to make it a mandate[vaccine].”

“The way we do it in public health is we make it very uncomfortable to be unvaccinated,” Dr. Varma said.

‘You can’t get a job, you can’t go to a restaurant, your kids can’t go to school…it’s like fu*k it, I’m just going to get vaccinated,” he said. “You force people by making it really uncomfortable.”
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Admission from the World Economic Forum - Covid 19 Was an Obedience Test

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Admission from the World Economic Forum - Covid 19 Was an Obedience Test

‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities ... le-cities/

Mirrored and printable copy: ... Cities.pdf
Our world is transforming – big community trends for sustainable cities

There have been significant developments in last five to seven years on social, environment and technology fronts that could help realise “My Carbon” initiatives for shaping the future towards smart and sustainable cities.

Specifically, to mention three developments in this context:

1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.
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Those Published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths" Never Happened

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Those Published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths" Never Happened ... r-happened
Early January of 2024, Americans learned about the publication of an article from Elsevier’s Journal of Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy overseen by Dr. Danyelle Townsend, a professor at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy’s Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences.

As Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Townsend reviewed, approved, and published the article titled: “Deaths induced by compassionate use of hydroxychloroquine during the first COVID-19 wave: An estimate.”
The article was always a hypothesized estimate of people that might have died, but now even that estimate has been retracted. The reason for the retraction was that the Belgian dataset that was one of the bases for the piece was found to be “unreliable” (but in reality was fraudulent). The article also repeatedly referenced the New England Journal of Medicine’s 2020 RECOVERY trial. The RECOVERY trial is well known to be a deeply flawed study which, in addition to implementing late treatment in severely ill Covid patients, used extremely high doses of HCQ.

The now retracted publication authors were all French or Canadian, with the primary author a pharmacist by the name of Alexiane Pradelle. According to a rudimentary internet search, Dr. Pradelle had never published before. Subsequently, listed authors were degreed as physicians, pharmacists, and/or professors of their respective disciplines. The main, corresponding author, Jean-Christophe Lega, runs the Evaluation and Modeling of Therapeutic Effects team at the University of Lyon.
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Re: NYC Covid Czar Admits He “Forced” Vaccinations on the Public by Making Their Lives “Uncomfortable”

Post by AnalogJoe »

mediatechnology wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:21 am NYC Covid Czar Who Held Secret Drug-Fueled Orgies During Pandemic Admits He “Forced” Vaccinations on the Public by Making Their Lives “Uncomfortable” ... cret-drug/
New York City’s Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma was caught revealing shocking details about how he ignored the mandates he pushed on citizens, like no indoor dining, during NYC’s brutal COVID lockdowns.

Dr. Varma was the senior advisor for public health under then-NYC Mayor DeBlasio.

He admitted he held secret drug-fueled sex parties during the pandemic and New Yorkers would have been “pissed” if they found out because he was in charge of the city’s Covid response.

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it,” he told the female reporter. “I was running the entire COVID response for the city. We rented a hotel—we all took like, you know, Molly/Ecstacy. 8 to 10 of us were in a room. Like just being naked with friends…” he explained.

“I’m gonna make it really fu*king hard to be unvaccinated,” he said. “I actually was the one who convinced the Mayor to make it a mandate[vaccine].”

“The way we do it in public health is we make it very uncomfortable to be unvaccinated,” Dr. Varma said.

‘You can’t get a job, you can’t go to a restaurant, your kids can’t go to school…it’s like fu*k it, I’m just going to get vaccinated,” he said. “You force people by making it really uncomfortable.”
I saw that report, unbelievable.
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55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines

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NEW STUDY - At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines from AstraZeneca, CanSino, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm and Sputnik V
Among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples; arsenic 82%; nickel 59%; cobalt and copper 47%; tin 35%; cadmium, lead and manganese in 18%; and mercury in 6% ... In all brands, we found boron, calcium, titanium, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, chromium, copper, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium and hafnium.

The undeclared chemical elements had been detected by Scanning Electron Microscopy Coupled with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) and high precision Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
Source International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research: ... ew/111/344

Pdf: ... ew/111/344


Truth and facts are just too controversial for some of the censorious snowflakes at GroupDIY.

"You're scaring us Wayne..."
Well, I don't give a shit about what you "feel."
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The Bird Flu Is Bullshit

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New Fear Campaign Begins Over Bird Flu; Dr. Peter McCullough Warns 'No One Should Consider The Vax'

From Zero Hedge: ... nsider-vax

Dr. Peter McCullough is a renowned cardiologist who has been fighting the government CV19 vax propaganda from the beginning.

Dr. McCullough is on record saying “The CV19 vaccine did not help a single person.”

Now, Dr. McCullough is fighting a new false government narrative on the Bird Flu. They just held the “International Bird Flu Summit” near Washington D.C in early October. At the same time, they were holding a Bird Flu summit in Arkansas for veterinarians. So, the evidence says, they are planning on a new pandemic. Dr. McCullough, who monitored both summits, says,

“This is what we learned. Bird Flu is spreading around because it actually came out of a lab. It came out of the USAD research lab in Athens Georgia. . . . Bird Flu has been around for a hundred years, and the current version is very mild. There have been just over 10,000 animal deaths, yet, they have intentionally culled or killed tens of millions of healthy chickens.”

Dr. McCullough goes on to say, “We have never had a human Bird Flu death in the United States..."

"Bird Flu looks like it’s coming out of research labs. It’s ‘gain of function’ research. The Biden Administration has put out legislation in May of 2024 enabling this.

It’s called ‘Dual Purpose Research.’ They create a virus to get people sick, and then they can try to create a vaccine. This is all about ginning up fear for more public mass vaccination...

I am fearful of a campaign, whether it be Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, Marburg or disease X, that actually does have people take another wave of genetic messenger RNA vaccines...

We have seen more damage from the Covid vaccines than the illness itself...

The Biden Administration just gave money to Moderna to make a Bird Flu messenger RNA vaccine. I can tell you it does not look safe, and none of these genetic vaccines look safe.”

Dr. McCullough warns, “No one should consider taking a Bird Flu Vaccine..."

"More people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group.

No one should consider this. We have simple drugs that can handle this . . . such as antivirals, Hydroxychloroquine will cover Bird Flu, and we use iodine nasal sprays and drops.

The bottom line is nobody should risk a vaccine.”

In closing, Dr. McCullough says, “This is a new authoritarian approach, and the new message now, which was all over media in the last few days, is ‘misinformation.’"

"Don’t trust anybody but the government. Everybody else is spreading ‘misinformation.’

‘Misinformation is a classic propaganda tool by The Third Reich.

No government official should be using the term ‘misinformation.’”

There is much more in the 28-minute interview.

Video Interview With Dr. Peter McCullough: ... lough.html
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Survey Reveals Over One in Six Germans Report Side Effects from COVID-19 Vaccination

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Survey Reveals Over One in Six Germans Report Side Effects from COVID-19 Vaccination ... e-effects/
As the world reflects on the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, alarming new data from Germany reveals that the experimental COVID vaccines, may have left far more harm in their wake than originally acknowledged.

A recent survey conducted by the Forsa Institute shows that over one in six Germans report experiencing side effects from their vaccination—an undeniable red flag that mainstream media continues to downplay.

The representative survey conducted on behalf of the German newspaper “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ) and the online magazine “Multipolar,” polled 1,002 individuals on October 7 and 8.

According to the survey results, more than one in six Germans has experienced side effects due to the COVID-19 vaccine.
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Bill Gates Ordered to Stand Trial in Netherlands in November Over COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

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Bill Gates Ordered to Stand Trial in Netherlands in November Over COVID Vaccine Injury Claims ... ber-covid/
A Dutch court has ruled that billionaire and global vaccine proponent Bill Gates will face trial in the Netherlands over his involvement in misleading the public about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

The case, brought forward by seven plaintiffs who claim to have suffered vaccine injuries, marks a significant blow to Gates, who has been a key figure in pushing COVID-19 vaccination efforts worldwide.

According to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, the plaintiffs filed the lawsuit last year, naming Gates, along with former Dutch Prime Minister and current NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, members of the Dutch government’s COVID-19 Outbreak Management Team, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and the Dutch state itself.

Gates is one of the “experts” who made several claims about the COVID experimental vaccines:

They said the vaccine would stop transmission.
They said the vaccinated could quit wearing a mask.
They said the vaccinated would not get sick.
They said the vaccinated were not going to die.
The plaintiffs argue that Gates, through his involvement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF), was involved in a far-reaching agenda—referred to as “The Great Reset Project”—which sought to exploit the global crisis in order to implement sweeping societal changes, all under the guise of combating the pandemic.

According to the lawsuit, this agenda included pushing vaccines that were known to be unsafe.

The plaintiffs claim they were deceived into taking these dangerous injections, and the consequences have been devastating. Physical and mental injuries have allegedly plagued them since receiving the vaccine.

One of the seven plaintiffs has reportedly died since the initial filing, leaving six others to carry on the fight against Gates and his cohorts. These ordinary Dutch citizens, whose identities have been redacted from the court documents, say they trusted the vaccine narrative and are now paying the price.

Over at the shit festival known as GroupDIY I'm a raging conspiracy theorist for insisting that the vaccine was dangerous. I was right all along but that's not the point: Apparently I'm a dick for trying to save lives. That's how fucked-up they are.
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Re: The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2024 "Vaccine" Injury, Depopulation With mRNA and Nanobots Everywhere

Post by Tubetec »

I was one of the people who refused to get the vaccine ,
The prime minister here at the time gave everyone a congradulatory clap on the back for achieving an uptake rate supposedly in the region of 95% . I was always and still am very suspicious of the medical establishment , Ilegal vaccine trials were conducted in this country for many years . Church ,state and pharma conspired and dangerous substances were administered to single mothers and their babies .We had a disproportionately high rate of infant mortality . In recent years hundreds and hundreds of babies bodies have been exhumed and now are waiting full DNA testing , many more possible grave sites have also been identified , with small shallow depressions appearing in the soil.

We simply cannot trust the medical establishment here to investigate themselves and the political will to get the job done isnt there either ,
the reality is if these babies remains are DNA tested pillars of society ,policticians ,businessmen ,priests and bishops turn up as daddy to unwanted children .

I know many people who were pressured into taking the covid vaccine , if they didnt they were made feel like they were putting others at risk ,
I try to avoid the 'I told you so' conversation as whats done is done , I'm sure many now regret taking it and having been duped , but its still difficult for many people to back down and admit that .

I'd like to know how many people are were medicated for social anxiety during covid , I've personally spoken to many who fell into this trap ,
in the end the effectiveness of the meds wore off , leaving them isolated and drained of all their confidence and self worth .

I hadnt heard of the Dutch case for personal damages against Gates and Bourla ,I suspect they can just settle but its in front of the international criminal court they should be ,on a charge of crimes against humanity , we have all the evidence here in this country what big pharma was upto over the years ,what were waiting on is the political will to deal with it , it implicates the state itself , which equals liabillity , and the attorney generals advice to government strongly reflects this .
Long before the emergence of covid government had sought legislation to limit antivax sentiments from being aired on social media , because it threatened to unearth the secrets of the mother and baby homes ,
They now stand in the way of the survivors attempts to get justice ,
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Re: The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2024 "Vaccine" Injury, Depopulation With mRNA and Nanobots Everywhere

Post by scott2000 »

Tubetec wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 7:30 am I know many people who were pressured into taking the covid vaccine , if they didnt they were made feel like they were putting others at risk ,
I try to avoid the 'I told you so' conversation as whats done is done , I'm sure many now regret taking it and having been duped , but its still difficult for many people to back down and admit that .
Certainly there are many who would fit into this but , in not keeping that there are plenty of others that don't one could easily find themselves also creating delusions to cope with the madness . I've mentioned it before but, it's almost like you can get a glimpse of how those in power feel the need to control. It's just unfortunate that, if unavoidable for now, it can't only be directed towards those who want to be . I dare not say need to be.
Feels like an HOA on a global scale...
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